Outstanding Reviews for Latest CD Releases

We are delighted to share some incredible reviews of the latest CD releases featuring the exceptional talent of violinist Igor Ruhadze and harpsichordist Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya, along with Ensemble Violini Capricciosi. These recordings have been met with enthusiastic acclaim from critics and music lovers alike.
Big Thank You to Johan van Veen and MusicWeb!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Johan van Veen for his wonderful review of our latest release. He emphasized the significance of this collection, particularly highlighting the rare and exquisite duets by Nardini. Johan stated:
"The importance of this release can hardly be overstated. Many collections of trio sonatas are available to interpreters, but these seven pieces by Nardini are a nice complement. It seems to me that in particular, the duets deserve the attention of performers. Not that much has been written for this scoring, and these duets are excellent stuff. For me, they are the best and most interesting part of this release."
Glowing Review for Geminiani Violin Sonatas, Op. 4
We are thrilled to share a glowing review of the Geminiani Violin Sonatas, Op. 4, performed by Igor Ruhadze and Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya. This Brilliant Classics release captures the delicate beauty and complexity of Geminiani’s work, elevating it to new heights. Critics and fans alike have praised this recording for its authenticity and artistry. If you are a lover of Baroque music, particularly the violin and harpsichord, this is a must-listen. It’s a true homage to the genius of Geminiani—highly recommended!
French magazine DIAPASON - L. Boccherini "Complete Violin Sonatas, Vol. 1"
The recent release of L. Boccherini "Complete Violin Sonatas, Vol. 1" in May 2023 has also received outstanding praise. The famous French magazine DIAPASON awarded this CD box a full 5 stars! This accolade highlights the exceptional quality and dedication put into this recording by Igor Ruhadze, Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya, and Ensemble Violini Capricciosi.
5-Star Review from Pizzicato for Geminiani Op. 1 CD
The Geminiani Op. 1 CD by Igor Ruhadze and Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya has been awarded 5 stars by PIZZICATO magazine! The review praises Igor Ruhadze's virtuosic command over the violin, his seamless technique, and the expressive depth he brings to Geminiani’s compositions. The review states:
"....In these recordings, too, he convinces with his unstrained flowing style and his secure mastery of the technique of violin playing. He has since continued to grow in stature in terms of a wider range of expressive possibilities. Thus this complete recording of Geminiani’s op. 1 becomes a worthwhile exploration of this series."
Congratulations to Igor Ruhadze and Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya for these outstanding accomplishments! Their collaboration continues to bring the brilliance of Baroque music to life, and we look forward to many more exceptional recordings in the future.
NEW CD - De spannende nieuwe serie van Brilliant Classics ! Volume 2 Geminiani op 4
Brilliant Classics presenteren trots een nieuwe CD: "Geminiani Violin Sonates op 4," uitgevoerd door Igor Ruhadze en Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya.
Vier de release met ons op 7 oktober in Lutherkapel Ziest en op 8 oktober in de Bonifatiuskerk Almere en ontdek het muzikale erfgoed van Geminiani, Handel, Corelli, en Rameau in ons speciale concertprogramma, "Een Reis door het Baroktijdperk."
F. Geminiani Sonata voor viool en b. c. in B minor op.4 no.11
I. Largo, II. Allegro-Largo-Allegro, III. Adagio, IV.Allegro-Affettuoso-[Allegro]
J.F.Rameau La Livri ( Rondeau gratieux pour Le Clavecin Seul)
A.Corelli Sonata voor viool en basso continuo in D minor op.5 no.12 ("La Follia”)
I. Adagio - Allegro - Adagio - Vivace - Allegro - Andante - Allegro - Adagio - Allegro
P.Locatelli Sonata voor viool en basso continuo in C groot op.6 no.8
I. Adagio – Andante, II. Allegro, III. Andante
G.F.Handel Sonata voor viool en basso continuo in D major op.1 no.13
I.Affettuoso, II.Allegro, III.Larghetto, IV.Allegro
Gottlieb Muffat: Allemande (Affettuoso) and Finale (Allegro) from the Suite in C Major (Componimenti musicali per il cembalo)
F. Geminiani Sonata voor viool en basso continuo in D major op.4 no.1
I. Adagio, II. Allegro, III. Largo, IV. Allegro assai
CD box BOCCHERINI 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "DIAPASON"
BOCCHERINI VIOLIN SONATES volume 1 Diapason 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Igor Ruhadze & Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya & Ensemble Violini Capricciosi
The Cd box L. Boccherini "Complete Violin Sonatas, Vol. 1" which was released in May 2023 got 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from the famous French magazine "DIAPASON"
NEW CD box BOCCHERINI Complete Violin Sonatas, Vol. 1
NEW CD box - Luigi Boccherini "Complete Violin Sonatas, Vol. 1"
Na maanden van hard werken en toewijding, zijn de langverwachte opnames van L. Boccherini "Complete Violin Sonatas, Vol. 1" afgerond en kunnen we nu met trots de presentatie van de nieuwe CD aankondigen.
Presentation concert 11 JUNI 15:00

O.Messiaen "Quartet for the End of Time" (1941)op 4 mei om 21:00 in Almere
met Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer , Igor Ruhadze (viool), Denis Shapovalov (cello) and Evelina Vorontsova (piano)
Ervaar een indrukwekkende NATIONALE HERDENKING met 4 TOPSOLISTEN!
Wat is er mooier en toepasselijker dan na de stilte van de herdenking te luisteren naar het meeslepende "Quartet for the End of Time" van O. Messiaen. Dit stuk ging oorspronkelijk op 15 januari 1941 in het krijgsgevangenenkamp Stalag VIIIA in Görlitz, Duitsland in première. Olivier Messiaen zat hier sinds zijn gevangenneming in mei 1940 opgesloten, daarom werd de instrumentatie van het werk bepaald door de beschikbare instrumenten en uitvoerders tijdens die gevangenschap. Dit maakt “Quartet for the End of Time” zo uniek. Dit emotionele stuk, verdeeld in acht delen, wordt gespeeld op klarinet, viool, cello en piano.
Kom op 04 mei van 21:00 tot 22:00 luisteren naar dit o zo speciale concert!
Great review from Fanfare Magazine
‘…The early-music world needs more performers like Igor Ruhadze…His sound in Geminiani’s op. 1 sonatas is sweet and majestic, with a wonderfully sustained and developed melodic line…
Thank you Fanfare Magazine for the great review and for your kind words about our CD of Geminiani Violin Sonatas op.1
Discover the album:
In de periode februari /maart 2023 is er een reeks van 8 klassieke concerten georganiseerd door deEnsemble en Stichting Violini Capricciosi, met het doel om de legendarische Italiaanse componist Petro Nardini onder de aandacht brengen, die in 2022 driehonderd jaar oud geworden zou zijn. Er was een selectie gemaakt uit de werken van Nardini ter presentatie van de CD-box release ‘Nardini: Complete Music for 2 violins’ door Ensemble Violini Capricciosi, uitgevoerd door:
Ensemble Violini Capriciiosi: Igor Ruhadze (1te viool), Daria Gorban (2de viool), Anastasiya Akinfina (klavecimbel) en Jacopo Ristori (cello).
Met dank Cultuurfonds Almere, Voordekunst, onze donateurs, St.SENA
NEW CD - De start van een spannende nieuwe serie!
De violist Igor Ruhadze werd opgeleid tot virtuoos op de moderne viool. Zijn interesse bracht hem echter in de oude muziek, waar hij speelde met ensembles als Musica ad Rhenum, Jed Wentz en anderen. Zijn solide techniek stelt hem in staat om de vaak angstaanjagende moeilijkheden van Geminiani's muziek met gemak, charme en briljantie aan te pakken.
5 sterren
In these recordings, too, he convinces with his unstrained flowing style and his secure mastery of the technique of violin playing. He has since continued to grow in stature in terms of a wider range of expressive possibilities. Thus this complete recording of Geminiani’s op. 1 becomes a worthwhile exploration of this series,
Duo Ruhadze & Vorontsova
Igor Ruhadze & Evelina Vorontsova
in March Igor and Evelina will present a new program of French music for violin
This program takes us to France at the beginning of the 20th century.
In 2022 we celebrate the anniversaries of composers: C. Frank, C. Debussy.
The French composer of Belgian descent, C Franck features one of the most famous sonatas for violin and piano in the history of chamber music.
The violin music of C. Debussy, a famous French impressionist composer will be performed by this Duo will open the concert.
Cultuurhuis Almere Buiten -New Concert hall in ALmere-Buiten
In 2022 Igor Ruhadze open a NEW Concert hall!!!!
Together with jong talented musicians from Sweelinck Academie Amsterdam and Igor Ruhadze open on the 5th of February a new concert hall.
In a centrum of Almere-Buiten, next to Library from February till July NPKA - concert series with Igor Ruhadze will present a concert
concert 5 March with Aristotelis Potamianos, link
PIANO DAG 26 of March - 3 concerts: Richard Egarr , Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya , Igor Ruhadze and ensemble Violini Capricciosi
concert 2 April with Sweelinck Academie link
DUO Ruhadze & Stahievitch IN CONCERTGEBOUW

2021-The Year of 3Composers
Sunday 19th of September was a very special day: Igor Ruhadze and Vital Stahievitch had an extremely successful (SOLD OUT) concert in Recital Hall of Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam. I would like to specify the brilliant quality of performers BRAVI!!! in the morning Igor & Vital were guests of the SPIEGELZAAL met Hans van de Boomhttps://www.nporadio4.nl/uitzendingen/spiegelzaal/82ade47b-9986-449c-a64f-f3d8f674ccac/2021-09-19-spiegelzaal
Special thanks to Cultuurfonds Almere, Provincie Flevoland for full support.
Nieuw Podium Klassiek Almere open 2d concert season

Nieuw Podium Klassiek Almere open 2d concert season
With great pleasure, I would like to inform you my dear friends that the 2d season of the Nieuw Podium Klassiek Almere is now officially opened! We had a great concert on 3d of September -https://www.npka.nl/concerts-2021-22/igor-ruhadze-friends-openingsconcert
The concert series will have total more then 30 concerts this season 2021-2022. Two Friday evening per month you are welcome in de Wegwijzer Almere-Buiten. You will have a chance to hear the best musicians.
2021 - The Year of Three Composers in Concertgebouw
021 The Year of Three Composers - New Project
The program is dedicated to three great composers who would celebrate their anniversaries in 2001. This year, the famous Russian Sergei Prokofiev would have turned 130 years old. The renowned French composer Camille Saint-Saëns died in 1921, and in the same year, the important Armenian composer Arno Babajanian was born. Violinist Igor Ruhadze and pianist Vital Stahievitch have prepared an interesting program featuring the works of these three significant figures. During the concert, we will also tell about their lives, works, and aspirations.
Next to the concert, an exhibition will take place in the concert hall by the amateur artists of the Olga Meshkova Artlama Studio Almere. The students of the Art studio are asked to draw the melodies - the resulting exhibition is called “We draw music”. Before and after the concert, the paintings will be exhibited in the hall and the audience will get free catalog leaflets.
After the great opening concert 2 July in Almere https://www.npka.nl/concerts-archive/2021-the-year-of-three-composers
Igor Ruhadze& Vital Stahievitch had a fantastic concert (SOLD OUT) 19th of September in Concertgebouw Amsterdam https://www.concertgebouw.nl/concerten/igor-ruhadze-vital-stahievitch-drie-componisten-duo-s-voor-viool-en-piano/19-09-2021.
More info later about coming concerts....
Special thanks to for full support.
Due to the Covid -19 situation in the Nederlands concerts of Nieuw Podium Klassiek Almere in October, November and December were cancelled.
Please check the new dates for the concert and watch us ONLINE: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMpJttWaWcEu8rdnIFd6YmA,
FB http://www.facebook.com/nieuwpodiumklassiekalmere and website -www.npka.nl
Speciall thanks to CULTUUR FONDS ALMERE

4th of September- the opening concerts with Vivaldi 'Four Seasons" of Igor Ruhadze's series
Nieuw Podium Klassiek Almere, (the new concert series in Almere-Buiten) was undoubtfully a success in spite of the corona crisis. A warm thanks to our beloved audience and all the wonderful musicians. "Friday nights with Igor Ruhadze" will go and we are looking forward to new concerts in Almere.For more info: www.npka.nl
De Vioolmuziek prè Paganini presenteert virtuoze muziek voor viool en basso continuo uit de late 18de eeuw.
Igor Ruhadze in Italiaans programma
Friday 2d October was a special: Igor Ruhadze and for the Ensemble "Violini Capricciosi "had s successful the concert in Recital Hall of Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam. I would like to specify the brilliant quality of performers: Igor Ruhadze,Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde, Alexsandra Nepomnyashchaya.BRAVI!!!! My big thank you to our public, we had a full hall in this difficult COVID time and my complements to our sound/video masters: Jaco van Houselt & Cees van der Wal.We did the live recording and for our beloved public, we will put this concert soon on Igor's youtube channel.
Special thanks to STICHTING NORMA for full support.
Muziekcafé Buitenhuis with Igor Ruhadze

In July Igor Ruhadze opened the first classical concerts in Het Buitenhuis Almere Buiten. The first 1-hour concert with duo Igor&Elizabeth Ruhadze was successfully done and Igor Ruhadze continued in September with concert lectures:
30th of August- I.S.Bach- what we know about I.S.Bach and about his works for the violin
20th of September special guest Hawijch Elders super top violist will do the presentation of her new solo violin program“Van Barok tot Modern”,
27th September - "DUO 2 Violins- Father&Daughter".Igor Ruhadze and his daughter Elizabeth will come back to us with more pieces for 2 violins.
October 4th will be a special historical presentation concert “Historische fortepiano in ontwikkeling” door Alexander Pulyaev (fortepiano). Alexander will talk about historical pianoforte and will play on this instrument.
Speciall thanks to CULTUUR FONDS ALMERE and STICHTING NORMA for full support.
LIve Concert

Nationaal Muziekinstrumenten Fonds Live .
NMF Live • Igor Ruhadze (barokviool) & Alexander Puliaev (klavecimbel)
De instrumenten van het NMF en hun bespelers laten van zich horen! Live vanuit het NMF-kantoor – of op locatie – én op veilige afstand, klinkt het geluid van topmusici en hun bijzondere instrumenten. Schakel in en geniet van de muziek, het verhaal achter het instrument en de musici. Een vraag aan de musicus? Die kunt u via Facebook stellen. Luister wekelijks naar het geluid van onze musici
New CD
My new CD. J-M.Leclair: Complete Violin Concertos.
After their internationally acclaimed recordings of sonatas and concertos by Pietro Locatelli, Ensemble Violini Capricciosi and their founder/director Igor Ruhadze turn their attention to his most talented pupil, Jean-Marie Leclair.
The stylish idiom and sensitivity of this period string ensemble’s previous recordings for Brilliant Classics have won wide critical praise. Concerning their 5CD set of Locatelli’s Sonatas Opp. 8 & 12: ‘Brilliant’s collection should prove a most enjoyable, most entertaining, and, at times, moving experience… Strongly recommended, therefore, across the board’
"Hidden Gems of Russian Romantic Music"
Dear Friend, I would like to invite you to an amazing project, which will take place this week in Amsterdam. I am glad to be invited to lead the project "Hidden Gems of Russian Romantic Music" together with Maria Milstein and in close collaboration with Sweelinck Academy of the Conservatory of Amsterdam, the Moscow Gnessin Special School of Music and Stichting Bevordering Jong Talent.
Young talents (children aged 13-16) from Russia and the Netherlands will join each other on stage to perform works of the rarely programmed Russian Romantic composers.
250 Jubiläum der Pfarrkirche St. Philippus und Jakobus in Mittelstrimmig
Sonntag, 25. August 2019,
Pfarrkirche Mittelstrimmig/Hunsrück, 15 Uhr
Igor Ruhadze
Ensemble Violini Capricciosi
Julie Grutzka (Sopran) Ulrike Malotta (Alt)
Christian Rathgeber (Tenor) Thilo Dahlmann (Bass)
W.A. Mozart Sinfonia concertante for violin and viola
Igor Ruhadze & Erini Stratigopoulou, the Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands
The Sinfonia concertante in E flat for violin and viola, K364, is an iconic work for many Mozart lovers, and arguably the greatest music he wrote in Salzburg. It will be performed four time in September 2019 all over the Netherlands.
The first and only Complete Locatelli Edition ever!
......Igor Ruhadze and his group Ensemble Violini Capricciosi have dedicated themselves to recording Locatelli’s works for some years now. Careful research along with a genuine enthusiasm for the overlooked composer’s works have led to a fine set of recordings, previously described by Gramophone as ‘brilliantly and at times breathtakingly performed’. The release also includes new recordings of the composer’s Concerti Grossi Opp. 1 & 7 and Introduzioni Teatrali Op.4, as well as the haunting Sinfonia funebre, a work to mark the death of an unknown woman in Rome. The vibrant playing of the Ensemble Violini Capricciosi is complemented by Musica ad Rhenum, led by highly acclaimed flautist Jed Wentz, who perform the Flute and Trio Sonatas. .....
American Record Guide,
......I. Ruhadze also performs the 24 Capriccios in the manner Locatelli intended - inserted like cadenzas at the ends of the fast movements (I and III) of each concerto. Igor Ruhadze is a skilled violinist, certainly equal to this very technically demanding repertory. His fingers fly through the Capriccios; slow movements take on an intense, evocative timbre.......
...... ‘brilliantly and at times breathtakingly performed’......
Robert Maxham. Fanfare magazine
.......the Ensemble Violini Capricciosi bring a lushness to the Locatelli music itself. The ensemble sounds energetic and sprightly in such movements as Sonata’s ! Vivace-they dont create any impression of heaviness.The ensemble is smoothly elegant in passages.Strongly recommended for the music itself and for the dedicated, excoting performances.......
Biber Complete Sonatas
I was impressed with Igor Ruhadze's survey of Locatelli's music, also for Brilliant Classics. It made me interested to see how he tackled Biber's sonatas. I am glad to say that, whilst it may not be my first choice in this fine music, Ruhadze does turn in a good performance, one which in many ways can be recommended.Overall, even if I prefer the other readings at times, the playing of Igor Ruhadze and the Ensemble Violini Capricciosi is excellent, I particularly like the sound of Felicity Goodwin’s organ playing and the instrument itself. She also wrote the brief but informative booklet notes. This is a useful set and one which I am happy to welcome onto my CD shelves.
Stuart Sillitoe http://www.musicweb-international.com
Musica An Rhenum: Jed Wentz, Igor Ruhadze, Job ter Haar, Cassandra L. Luckhardt, Michael Borgstede
The bubbling melodies and rhythms that run through all three CDs, the charisma of the soloists, the elan of the allegros (which borders, from time to time, on a Goebelesque frenzy) and an entirely youthful vigor paint an ardent and lyrical portrait of Telemann, especially in the more extended and attractive Nouveaux Quatours. Here Jed Wentz unleashes an unbridled, loquacious and enchanting virtuosity: listen - one example among 20 others - to the Modere and the Pas Vite of the fifth quartet and savor his luminous song, his arabesques, his faultless style.
Muziek online !!!!
Muziek is een balsem voor de ziel. Daarom ben ik blij om op Goede Vrijdag muziek met jullie te delen. Vanavond, Igor Rukhadze samen met Sytse Buwalda,cellist Jeroen den Helder, organist Arjan Breuchoven en Matthäus Passion's ariasman Sam Frets tijdens EO / PKN Good Friday-vieringen. Het feest is te zien van 19.30 tot 20.00 uur op eo.nl/samengeloven en uit te zenden via YouTube.
Et’cetera KTC 1312
"Trios & Concerto"
Clémence Comte - recorder
Igor Ruhadze - violin
This attractive collection presents six of Telemann’s trio sonatas.The instrumental sonorities are gently sensuous, enhanced by the constant presence of the theorbo. The recording is resonant yet crystal-clear: I have seldom heard a recording of baroque chamber music in which the harpsichord’s melodic contribution emerges so naturally as an equal strand in the texture. There are few bold gestures here, yet only on one occasion (the violin’s brilliant passages in the Concerto’s final Vivace) did I wish for a more extrovert, flamboyant approach. Even there, the players’ technical assuredness and natural musicality are never in doubt. Throughout, they reveal a clear understanding of the music’s stylistic and affective demands, and they communicate the shape of the movements (and of individual phrases) with apparent spontaneity and captivating charm.